Devices that direct vents away from windows to prevent "wasted" heat defeat this design intent. 远离窗户的设备耗热增加违背了设计意图。
The subjective fault in holding crimes includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent. 持有型犯罪之主观罪过不仅包括直接故意,也包括间接故意。
Direct grain subsidy policy corrects some shortcomings of the former subsidy policy to some extent, but it also has defects such as not matching the government's original intent and being unfavorable to the agricultural development in long time. 直接补贴政策虽然在一定程度上纠正了以往补贴政策的某些不足,但是本身也存在缺陷,不完全符合政府的初衷和不利于农业的长期生产。
It is mainly represented by the passive direct intent or the presumed indirect intent. 其主要表现有:消极的直接故意和推定的直接故意。
The part of the subjective aspects of the Crime of Embezzlement: It aims at owning public and private property unlawfully and has the direct intent subjectively. 侵占罪的主观方面部分,论述侵占罪是以非法占有为目的的犯罪,主观上是直接故意。
One is the factor of will in the direct intent of larceny, and its content is of the identity with the dangerous consequence of larceny. 其一是盗窃罪直接故意中的意志因素,与盗窃罪的直接危害结果在内容上具有同质性。其二是司法解释中明确规定的以非法占有为目的。
The derivation of the indirect bei passive construction within minimalist Inquiries: the framework It is mainly represented by the passive direct intent or the presumed indirect intent. 基于《最简探索:框架》的间接被字句生成过程其主要表现有:消极的直接故意和推定的直接故意。
The paper also discusses the difference between indirect intent and direct intent, the difference between indirect intent and negligence with undue assumption, which is bound to be beneficial to the solution of interrelated problems in judicial practice. 同时,对间接故意与直接故意及过于自信的过失的区分问题,也进行了论述,相信对解决司法实践中的相关问题会有所帮助。
The subjective fault of this pattern crime can consist of both direct intent and indirect intent. 该类犯罪的主观罪过既可以由直接故意构成,也可以由间接故意构成。
The key to cognize a purposely committed crime is to differentiate the untypical direct intent from indirect intent on that the former contains the factor of passive expect while the latter does not. 认定的关键是如何正确区分不典型的直接故意与间接故意。不典型直接故意与直接故意的区别在于消极的希望。
In the cases of assault or stabbing easily and regardless of consequence, the actor's intent is direct intent, not indirect intent. 不计后果、动辄行凶捅刀子是直接故意。
The two countries also adopted different attitude towards the subjective element of financial fraud crime: China has adopted the mode of direct intent, whereas Germany adopted the mode of conditional intent. 在主观要素方面,我国金融诈骗罪采取直接故意,而德国刑法采取有条件故意,二者在认识因素上存在不同。
The subjective requisite is the direct intent without other criminal purposes. 本罪主观要件表现为直接故意不包含犯罪目的。
The mens rea form of embezzlement is direct intent, and the criminal has the purpose to own property unlawfully. 侵占罪的罪过必须是直接故意,并具有非法占有的目的。
The object of crimes against taxation is state taxation and revenue sharing relation. The objective aspect of crimes against taxation is dual illegality and subjective aspect is direct intent which requires the offender's cognizance of illegality. 其侵犯的客体是国家的税收分配关系,在客观方面表现为双重违法性,主观方面为直接故意,要求行为人具有违法性认识。
But when it cones to what is the relationship between criminal purpose and the element of will of direct intent? 但是犯罪目的和直接故意的意志因素是一种什么样的关系?
That subjective aspect is direct intent ion; 阴谋犯的主观方面是故意,且只能是直接故意;
The aim of direct intention refers to a will in the direct intention, whose realizing or not influences the success or abortion of the offence to intent. 其中,直接故意目的就是直接故意中的意志因素,其是否实现影响目的犯是构成既遂,还是未遂;
After the study found that: ( 1) A direct impact on brand personality in brand image among consumers, thus affecting the interests of the consumer brand evaluation, and thus significantly influence consumer purchase intent of non-deceptive counterfeit goods. 经过研究发现:(1)品牌个性直接影响品牌在消费者心目中的形象,从而影响消费者对品牌商品的利益评估,进而显著影响消费者的非欺骗性假冒品购买意向。
According to the evidence the court finds the analysis, Li Zhuang of torture based on reasonable suspicion, so the lack of direct criminal intent of this crime. 根据法院所认定的证据进行分析,李庄对刑讯逼供有合理的怀疑根据,因此缺乏本罪的直接犯罪故意。
The offence of this crime includes direct intent and indirect intent, and direct intent is the major. 本罪的罪过既包括直接故意,又包括间接故意,主要是直接故意。
Subjective element: With a comparative analysis of the actors 'mental attitude, I believed that the subjective element of the crime is direct intent. 主观要件:通过比较分析行为人的心理态度,笔者认为本罪的主观要件是直接故意。
On the analysis of the legal value of the right to direct the establishment of the rights of legislators to reflect the legislative intent and the effect of the impact of the exercise of rights. 而对权利的法律价值分析则直接反映立法者设立该权利的立法意图,并影响权利行使效果。
Those subjects on crimes of commercial bribery all have direct criminal intent and clearly criminal intention. 商业贿赂犯罪行为人均具有直接故意的主观罪过,同时还具有明确的犯罪目的。